Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Venice #3

On the last day of intense Venetian touring (really day 4 in the city, but out of our 5 days there, the middle 3 were the most educationally-scheduled), we toured a series of churches. Unfortunately, this was the only day it rained, making it less than ideal for non-stop walking around outside. We did see some incredible places though and made sure to have a long and leisurely lunch to warm up in the middle of the day. Umbrellas were necessary almost the entire day though. Good thing I threw mine in at the last second of packing! 

Here are some pictures of a thoroughly flooded wonder how the houses don't flood but these people must be used to it, having reclaimed every inch of their real estate from the sea itself.

(no sidewalks to speak of here...)

aaaand my friends thought this was holding the umbrella for our tutor while he checked the location of a church on his ipad. Just trying to be helpful..

We did get a tiny bit of relief at the end of the day - here we are in front of  the last church of the day! 

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