Sunday, April 28, 2013


Prague! Or Praha to the Czechs. 
The place I stayed was a 10-15 minute walk south of the city-center, but a 3 minute walk from the river...which was a good thing because the river became the only way I knew how to navigate the city.

You can just barely see the castle in the distance! More on that later, don't worry.

I walked straight to Old Town to check out the Easter markets...Easter was the next day. Great buildings.

And this is the famous astronomical clock - the oldest running astronomical clock in the world. This thing has been ticking away since 1410.

This chart explains its functions far better than I could...
File:Schema Orloj en.png
More of Old Town Square...I got there in the morning just an outdoor band had set up next to the Easter Market.

More Easter eggs! 

This was incredible...grilled cheese in the most literal way. They take a slab of cheese and brown it over a grill and serve on a cold piece of rye bread. The bread is nothing special - it only serves to hold up the amazingly wonderful gooey perfection that is the cheese. YUM! 

and for desert, a Czech specialty (or so I was told)

It is just dough that has been cooked on rollers over an open flame and covered in cinnamon and sugar...pretty simple, pretty delicious.

Right on the corner of the square is Franz Kafka's house! So pumped to see this.

(small memorial to him)

and then there were these things...everywhere. This, apparently, are an Easter tradition in Prague. I'm not making this up when I say these branches tied with ribbon are used to whip the bums of Czech females for good luck in the upcoming year! Boys walk around the villages and for hitting the girl, she gives him sweets or alcohol. Girls are actually offended if they don't get slapped! Only in the Czech Republic? Yes, only in the Czech Republic. 

After lunch I headed across the river to the castle. More on that next!

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