Thursday, April 11, 2013

firenze! views of the city - piazza michelangelo and duomo

Onto Florence! I packed quite a bit into this city the 3 days I spent there, so I'll just talk about the highlights. The first thing I did the next morning was head straight to the Uffizi, one of the most famous museums  in the world that houses some of the best of the best Renaissance and on artwork.
...Unfortunately for me, my plans were foiled by a union debacle at the didn't open until 10:30 (I had gotten there at 8:15 for the usual 8:30 opening) because union meetings were taking place. The line was literally miles long with people saying they would wait the two I said see ya and walked to the river because it was such a beautiful day. I'm so glad I did! I walked up to Piazzale Michelangelo for the most amazing view of the city in the morning sunlight - quite a hike up some little winding trails...

but the views of the Tuscan countryside were breathtaking (looking out opposite of Florence)

(of course, I started imagining which villa I would one day buy for my summer can wish) 

and here was the view of the city!

There was a beautiful church up here - Basilica San Miniato al Monte - which looked amazing silhouetted against the morning light. 

(a bronze reproduction of Michelangelo's David sits in the middle of the piazza - the real one is housed in the Accademia - to commemorate the man, the legend, the artist himself) 

After this, because the sun was shining and it was such a perfect day, I decided to climb the Duomo and see the view of the city from there. It was quite a steep hike at some points...

but the views out the windows were encouraging!

and getting to the top was so worth it!!!

I went a bit crazy with the pictures up was hard to hold back! I probably walked around the thing 4 or 5 times (haha)...just, you know, to get the full effect.

...but I won't bore you with the repetition. Point of story, it was literally the perfect time and place to see the city from up high. So...advice: if it is a wonderfully beautiful and sunny day in Florence, it is imperative that one hikes up to Piazza Michelangelo, sees the view of the city from the hills, and then crosses the city to hit up the duomo. The morning hike builds up an appetite for lunch and you avoid the afternoon lines at the duomo. 

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