Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Spring break...part 1 of many

Now that I've settled back into the London routine, I finally have time to catch up on everything! Aside from thesis research, updating the blog on some of my favorites spots and experiences from the last two weeks has been high on my list. So let's start at the beginning...a very good place to start. 


We arrived as a class on March 14 (after a flurry of finishing footnotes and turning in papers the day before) and from the airport, shared a water taxi to the collection of islands that is Venice. Amazing way to be introduced to the city, I highly recommend it!

First sight of the city!

Our hotel room was AMAZING - definitely one of the nicest places I've ever stayed. Palazzo Abadessa  was our new home for the next five days...once we were greeted at the canal entrance by the owner (a tiny wooden dock on the canal) and stepped off of the water taxi, we were escorted to our room. Not only was it beautifully decorated in 17th century Venetian style, but there was champagne waiting for us! We obviously popped the bottle right away...on our private balcony overlooking the canal no less. Welcome to Venice!

(this was the hotel room...upstairs)

and downstairs - lauren and I shared this bed!

The view from the balcony was nothing short of incredible - so charming. 

This is what was waiting for us - we immediately relocated for a celebratory toast.

An amazing start to an amazing spring break! 

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