Sunday, April 28, 2013

Outdoor Art in Prague

There is a TON of outdoor art around Prague - walking around the city is like being in one giant gallery. 
(side note - the NY Times actually did a story called "Europe in Nine Walks" and one of the nine spots they chose is around Prague - Prague's public art walk is listed as #6, read about it here!)

We'll start with the John Lennon Wall.

In the 1980s, graffiti began to sprout up along this wall commemorating Lennon's death (Dec. 8, 1980). Eventually, the young Czechs began writing grievances against the Communist government on the wall alongside the Lennon-inspired illustrations. 

Annoyed by this, authorities continually painted over the wall, but every night, more graffiti would appear the next morning. This led to a clash between authorities and Czech youths, ironically called "Lennonists." ...the conflict was literally Lennonists vs. Leninists. Ha!

The wall represents free expression. It is a vestige of the not-so-long-ago time when Eastern Europe was ruled by a Communist government...and reminds me how present the Velvet Revolution must be in the minds of Czech citizens over the age of 25. 

Here are a few pictures...

and then there is the outdoor sculpture. Part creepy, part artsy, part really awesome in most cases. Don't let me influence you though, decide for yourself what you think of Czech contemporary art...

Here was some awesome this building.

and these guys were so cute! This was at a mini Easter market by the John Lennon wall. They were amazing dancers. 

Loved this - is this considered built-in security?

and finally, Prague by night. 

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