Sunday, April 28, 2013

Malich exhibition

Did I mention I still had a paper to finish during this trip? My second paper was due in a few days (it was 90% done but editing and footnotes still had to be dealt with) I thought I would wake up early and set up shop at a coffee shop to finish. 

I stayed here until lunch probably, then headed to an art exhibition I had seen advertised on Malich. 

Karel Malich was born in 1924. This retrospective includes pieces from each part of his long career. I didn't know of him before this (he is much more popular here in Prague than he is in America) but I actually really enjoyed it. He is all about "solid matter as a form of free flowing energy" is very abstract, but I think I got the idea after seeing all the work. Here were a few of my favorite pieces...see what you think for yourself!

His work is often compared to FrantiĊĦek Kupka, the "founder of abstraction."

And then snapped this on my way home...(feeling very artsy after this exhibition, can you tell?)

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