Sunday, April 28, 2013

Prague Castle

Off to Prague Castle! 

Quite the hike up here...

Situated up on a hill overlooking the city, Prague Castle is as intimidating as it is grand. The gates meant to "welcome" you to the castle complex aren't exactly welcoming...

but some beautiful buildings once you got inside. Starting with St. Vitus Cathedral...gorgeous (I came back here for Easter Mass!) 

I was SUPER excited to see this - the place where the defenestration of Prague took place! Here is a print done after the event took place -

 and here is the window! 

and this is where they landed 

The defenestration of Prague took place in 1618 - the event is credited with having precipitated the 30 Years War. 

I walked around a few other places, one of which was a hall of armor. Loved this guy...

This was the original feast hall - one of the first buildings ever built here.

 weapons from back in the day

and this was Golden Lane...a lane of shops dedicated to artisans/etc who would make things for the community that lived inside the castle walls (anything ranging from toys to armor to food)

the sculptures around here were a bit creepy...

and every once in a while there was a view of the city.

Holy Roman Emperor Maximillian II's crown/etc still lives here

and there is an incredible picture gallery! My favorites were this Titian...

and this by Lucas Cranach the Elder - called A Mismatched Couple: Foolish Old Man and Young Temptress
(...the woman is taking money out of his pocket on the right - wonderful)

There was a lot to the castle complex so I stayed for the better part of the day. I left as the sun was setting.

Prague in the sunset. 

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