Saturday, October 20, 2012

Street Art Tour

Today I went to East London (think: brooklyn, less hipster) for a tour of street art....this is Stik.

I learned that first of all, there is a clear difference between street art and graffiti - graffiti is more likely associated with vandalism and is done almost exclusively from a spray can and completely on-site, like so...

Street art, on the other hand, is usually created ahead of time and brought to the location for application (for this reason, "street art" tends to be more developed/detailed/thought out). 

That being said, there is plenty of cross-over between the two - there are many street artists who use solely spray cans to do their work, like this guy...done completely with spray paint (although, fun fact, a lot of work went into this - to get that particular effect, the artist puts the cans on ice for at least 30 minutes so the paint comes out more slowly so he can get that look by adding translucent layers)

I learned that Alice (see below) was dating another street artist and this is a self-portrait of sorts of them...

(this is also Alice)

and saw things I NEVER would have seen - these guys are so small! done by a Mexican artist, Pablo Delgado

Saw some really cool stuff - loved this one

and here is Bansky! so hot right now

used the panorama feature on my iphone for this guy...

and these mushrooms are literally everywhere! crazy how you don't notice them until someone points them out...

this guy paints on pieces of chewing gum...

and this was pretty - south american female artist

space invader! Parisian guy - so cool

loved these...

and more stik!

i'm so much more attuned to seeing these now i'm looking for them everywhere!

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