Wednesday, October 31, 2012


I am now officially interning at a gallery!!!!!!! 

(here is a picture of it but not one that I took)

GX Gallery is south of the river in Camberwell - I went in for a "trial day" today from 10-6 and at the end of the day, the woman I'd been working for all day told me and the other intern that we were brilliant and she would love to have us around. YAY! 

^this is it from the road

Other than that...THESE ABSOLUTELY MADE MY DAY! SO MUCH LOVE TO KELLY AND MOM! THANK YOU!!!!! kelly your birthday card almost made me cry I was so happy and mom I haven't read one magazine since I've been here and these just made me unbelievably happy. I love you both so much and felt so special to get mail :-) thank you thank you THANK YOU!!

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