Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Collection of (random) fun things

This is me cleaning out my iphone pictures and finding fun things that don't merit an entire post....

First, I was reading the September edition of The Art Newspaper (...nerd, I know, but do what you gotta do) and I came across this! 

...anyone? Recognize the young Liz Margulies? 

Well...this is certainly not a sophisticated little piece of news, BUT if you've watched the Bravo show "Gallery Girls," this will definitely ring a bell. Embarrassingly enough, I have indeed watched (every episode) of the new show about girls in New York City trying to make it in the art scene. Some of the girls work in galleries, others try to start their own, and others work for art advisors...however using the term "work" in this description of their activities is a stretch. 

As the article about the show states... "The Bravo series follows the exploits of seven, mostly privileged young women - one is the daughter of the Miami collector Marty Margulies - as they try to make their careers in contemporary art, which apparently involves going to parties, complimenting each others' outfits, and refusing to do any actual work. Reactions to the first episode have been vicious. New Yorker magazine called the show 'bad in all of the ways that reality tv is usually bad,' while the critic Blake Gopnik said it misrepresents New York's art world and wondered how 'even with fakery and planning, it could end up so banal.' One thing everyone seemed to agree with is that the show has very little to do with art."

Fair enough.

Nevertheless, I was thrilled that my knowledge of pop culture in the US made it into this respectable and international newspaper.
(I'll still watch the finale...shhh)

Second! How cute is this little guy?! Was walking along the river on my way to the Tate Britain (more about that later) and snapped a pic of him at very close range, mid-step...(I was impressed with myself anyway)

Third...was walking home through the University of London and they were having some kind of event and projected this onto the building - cool!

Fourth, loved this guy. Never seen a more serious or badass lion in my life. He's holding up Parliament. 

And lastly....I just thought these were pretty. Outside a building in Mayfair.

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