Saturday, September 29, 2012

Boat Party!!

Last night was the infamous Goodenough College Boat Party - a little party with me and 199 of my closest friends at the college...on a boat at night...on the Thames...with a dj...and a bar. Clearly a recipe that equals SO MUCH FUN! 

Here are a few pics I took...

And here are my friends from the college so far! We met on our tour of the College the first day we got there and had dinner together that first night. Since then we've hung out at a few pubs together and always meet up when there are all-student events. Henry from Scotland is on the left and Philipp from Germany is in the center!

Afterwards, Goodenough students got free entrance to a club on the Victoria Embankment, the road running along the Thames. Climbed into bed around 3am last night but totally worth it! Great start to the year - I am so thankful to be living here it is fabulous!

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