Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Beautiful day!

When there is no reason not to be outside on a beautiful day, complete with blue skies, big clouds, and perfect temperature, that is certainly a reason to go outside. 

Here was my path...from Goodenough College down to Trafalgar Square...

through the middle of the square

out the southwest side...

to St. James Park

where there were beautiful ducks, geese, and swans!

and lots of adorable children waving to the wildlife

next, down to Buckingham Palace

and then walking away towards the Thames

to the Tate Britain - a museum housing exclusively British artists and art.

I do love Gainsborough portraits...

Lady Bate-Dudley, about 1727

and Reynolds as well...

Suzanna Beckford, 1756

The Tate Britain had a TON of Turner works - a whole wing dedicated to him! I am not the biggest fan in the world though. 

Next, off to see parliament!

then across the river and over a bridge...

to see parliament from the other side of the Thames

At this point I was very near the London Eye

before I crossed back over and headed towards Westminster Abbey

and was very tired, so grabbed a Barclays bike and biked home from here.

I can't wait until I can run again! This area has MAJOR running route potential. 

Soon enough, fingers crossed!!!!

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