Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Thesis stop #2

For thesis-trip stop #2, it was out into the countryside of Scotland again to go to another one of the family's residences, Drumlanrig Castle.

This time the walk from the nearest bus stop was on 1 1/2 miles...eventually, I came upon the driveway.

Quite a long driveway...

finally here! TADAAAA! 

The Duke's family owns all of the land that the eye can see from the castle...and a few thousand acres more. In fact, he is the largest private land-owner in Europe.

I got a nice long tour around the castle with a tour guide (again, no pictures inside) and the guide (Ralph!) was so impressed with how much I already knew about the family and the paintings (woohoo!) so hopefully I'm doing something right! 

Even though there was only one painting here that is going to be part of my thesis, visiting the castle really gave me a better sense of the family's history and a better appreciation for how the small part that I'm studying fits into the larger whole. Definitely a day well spent and I couldn't be more thankful to have made the trip.

Below are a few pics  I shot of the gardens surrounding the outside...

and here's me!

goodbye, Drumlanrig...

Hopefully I will see you again. Someday.

Not much to report for the next day in Edinburgh...I woke up early and ran to the top of Arthur's seat again, then made a trip to the National Gallery of Modern Art (great cafe - most amazing lunch in the garden there) and then to the National Gallery again before catching the train. At the National Gallery, I made a point to see the Leonardo painting that this family actually owns - it is being lent to the museum right now because it was actually stolen in 2003 and not recovered until 2007 - the security is much better in the museum so that is where it is going to live for a while. 
 (below = works from both museums...Duchamp on the left, Leonardo on the right)

 and here was the scene in Edinburgh on Sunday afternoon - what a lovely day to end the trip! 

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