Friday, July 12, 2013


This weekend, a couple friends and I hit up Hampstead Heath for an end-of-year-don't-know-when-I'll-see-you-again-picnic. 

It was absolutely beautiful weather and it would have been a crime to not sit outside today.

We had a pretty impressive spread...made only better by the surrounding visitors. 

Post-lunch and laying in the grass, the three of us explored Hampstead Village. Actually very historic area and probably the highest concentration of celebrities, new and old. Painter John Constable lived here, as did the poet John Keats, writer D. H. Lawrence, and good old Sigmund Freud. More recently, this area has been the home to Sting, Elizabeth Taylor, Judy Dench (!), Peter O'Toole, Emma Thompson and many others. 

How beautiful is this graveyard?!

and the houses...lovely.

We stopped for a pint here...and saw Andy Murray win Wimbledon! Whole pub was cheering - very fun.

and on the walk home went down this street in Clerkenwell as it was getting it.

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