Friday, July 19, 2013


I made a last-minute decision to make a trip to Scotland for thesis research. I held back initially because these country houses/castles I'm writing about are not easy to get to, plus last-minute trains are quite expensive. In the end though, I decided (slash realized) that coming up here to see the pieces I'm writing about and talk to curators would, quite simply, make my thesis exponentially better. 

I could not have been more right, but more on that later. First, here are some pics from my little walk around Edinburgh last night. I am staying here as a home base and taking buses to my various destinations - took the train in the afternoon and got here in time for a quick trip to the National Gallery, walk around the castle, and to see the sun set on the city. 

Haven't been here since our family made the trip quite a few years ago (was it more than 10 years ago?!) and I did remember the hotel we stayed in when I walked past it! 

First stop - the Scottish National Gallery. I knew I wouldn't be here during normal opening hours during this quick trip, but saw that luckily the museum was open late on Thursdays! woohoo! Here were a few favs...we start with Titian. 

Moving on to Madame de Pompadour by Boucher

and then to an American artist! Frederic Church - I have actually never heard of him (just like they don't acknowledge the fact that the 4th of July is a holiday, they don't teach you about many American artists over here...)

and then some Impressionists...Cezanne 

Van Gogh

Monet (you don't see enough Monet at night)

I've always thought that if I had to have my portrait painted by one artist in history, it would be this guy - John Singer Sargent. He always gives his women some kind of glamourous confidence.

last but not least, I love Degas sculptures of dancers...there are a few at the Courtauld in London and I am always surprised to see them scattered around different musuems 

OH! and how could I forget?! The Kiss, by Rodin, is here! 

I took a walk outside after this and paid my respects to Sir Walter Scott...

before doing a small climb...up here. How gorgeous is that view. 

I had a little picnic to myself

with this ahead of me. 

other people had the same idea up here...a few national monuments sit on this hill as well overlooking the whole of Edinburgh (area=Regent Gardens). 

and HERE is a picture of the very large hill, which is actually a long-dormant volcano, that I ran up this morning! Literally one of the coolest runs I've done in a while...its no Greek Isles circa summer 2011, but it'll do.

 More tomorrow on my travels to the countryside in search of art tomorrow. Art, art, and more art. And maybe a castle or two if we're lucky. 

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