Sunday, April 28, 2013

Schonbrunn Palace, the ZOO, and some Mozart

After a long morning and breakfast with an Austrian friend (authentic veal schnitzel for all!)  we headed to Schonbrunn Palace, the Hapsburg summer palace. Before we jumped on the metro though, we spotted this near the platform...there was opera music blaring from inside. Only in Vienna? 

This was the front of the was meant to copy Versailles in France

and there was a fun Easter market just outside! Here are all of the hand-painted eggs

and an Easter chicken? 

more and more eggs on ribbons

and eggs painted like birds with feathers attached! 

Next, we headed over to the zoo - it is on the grounds of the palace and the oldest zoo in Europe. The cages from that first zoo have been preserved and are still used today for the animals.

We walked up this huuuge hill in the snow - quite the hike but worth it to get to the "pleasure pavilion" at the top - the nobility would use this in the summer. Here it is lit up at dusk behind us.

and the view down to the palace from the pavilion

Here is the pavilion again up close

We stayed at the palace for dinner (there was a restaurant nearby) and then went to a concert there! Traditional dancing, singing, and some Mozart.

Great end to the day, highly recommend hitting up a concert if you go to Vienna! Felt very authentic to us.

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