Thursday, April 11, 2013

last day in Venezia

On our last day, I woke up early (after a long night out at our new favorite spot, the jazz bar) and went on the optional tour of Ca'Pesaro. This palazzo houses works bought from the Venice Biennale - it functions as the Venice equivalent of the MOMA in NYC. There was a great Klimpt there but one of my favorites was a work by a Spanish artist hadn't heard of - Joaquin Sorolla y Bastida. The painting is called Sewing the Sail, 1896.

Afterwards, we packed up, stored our luggage at the hotel, and went out for a leisurely lunch of pizza and Venetian spritz drinks in the beautiful SUN!

We explored the Doge's palace and San Marco afterwards - funnily enough, after having been there 4 days, we hadn't entered the most obvious tourist destinations yet! 

Here was the Doge's palace...outside

and inside

and the prisons! 

(I jumped the rope...wanted to get the authentic experience. Those beds are not comfortable.)

and the Bridge of Sighs...apparently this is the bridge prisoners would cross over on the way to their cells and it was their last look out at the water/Venice, so they would sigh...hence the name of the bridge.

(view from the inside)

onto San Marco! Picturesque facade, beautiful golden mosaic-clad inside.

After this, we all trekked back to the hotels and said our goodbyes...the rest were off to the airport headed to London and I was off to the train station with a ticket to Bologna!

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