Saturday, December 15, 2012

Field Trip - Oxford

Last Thursday we went to Oxford for class - we piled on the bus at 8am and were assembled at the art museum by 10. We split up into groups to look at different things...I went to see Old Master paintings at the Ashmoleon Museum in the morning.

I'd been to Oxford before to see a friend so I didn't mind that we spent the whole day in the museums! 

For lunch, a few friends and I went to the White Horse pub...

and then to the Pitt-Rivers Museum in the afternoon! 

Unlike the Ashmolean, which is all fine art, the Pitt-Rivers Museum is an anthropological museum. It was a nice change of pace! 

There was everything from shrunken heads to dinosaurs...

 to jewelry to clay pots to dolls - and objects are grouped by SUBJECT, not time period or region of the world. As a result, you get ALL types of the same object in the same place. One of the most interesting sections was the one on armor - these helmets are from all different periods and parts of the world. 
This one is from the Crimean War (a war I just wrote a paper on!)

This is from a German sniper in WWI

and THIS is from the 11th century! WHAT!

and this is made from one of those puffer fish...

(here is someone wearing it)

great change of scenery for the afternoon! 

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