Tuesday, February 5, 2013


A few girls and I went to Bath for the day on Saturday - such a beautiful city and it was such a beautiful day!

We got up bright and early to catch an 8:30am train - once we arrived we went to one of the oldest "tea and eating houses" in England (it has been functioning for over 300 years). Sally Lunn's has more than tea though - they are famous for their buns (a light, fluffy bread bun with optional flavored butter - I got apple cinnamon) and coffee (thank goodness) - we sat upstairs next to the windows and had a lovely brunch to start the day.

First stop = the Roman baths. 

Uncovered in the eighteenth century, there is now a museum around the natural hot springs. 

Right next door is Bath Abbey - really fascinating place with all kinds of touching effigies on the walls and floor and it was beautiful silhouetted against the blue sky.

After this, we walked around the city...headed first to Bath Circus, the home of none other than Thomas Gainsborough - we were more than happy to be nerdy art students and take pictures in front of his house...

We also went to Royal Crescent, home of the ultra-wealthy aristocrats - it was unreal how gorgeous the area was and peeking inside the homes with drawn curtains revealed the most amazing chandeliers, stucco-carved ceilings and glimpses of furniture. It is famous for having many interiors designed by none other than Robert Adam. 

Here we are together! 

After this we headed to lunch and warmed up at an amazing pub/restaurant for burgers, wine, and triple-cooked chips. YUM!

After having spent a solid 2 hours at lunch, it was getting darker so we walked around the shops and ended up at a few pubs to end the night. Our train left at 10pm and we were home by midnight. Such a fun day!! 

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