Monday, January 28, 2013

Annie visits!

Annie came to visit!!!!!

We had a packed few days - she got here on Thursday and that night we went to go see the portrait of the Duchess of Cambridge, Kate Middleton, at the National Portrait Gallery. On Thursday and Friday nights, the National Portrait Gallery is open late - music, a bar, and art make for a wonderful atmosphere. No pictures allowed in here but here is the portrait! 

Out to dinner in Soho for pizza and wine - we went to Bar Italia, a restaurant that is the subject of an Ed Gray painting! (remember the show we did for him on the dixie queen?! same artist) This is a terrible shot, but the painting he made of the outside of the place was hanging right above where we sat!

On Friday, I went to class while Annie hit up the British Library, Tate Modern, and the Globe theatre. That night we went pub-hopping with a friend (a bit of a late night but definitely worth it). Saturday we went to Sloane Square market and the Saatchi Gallery (modern art, see post here when I went there for the first time).

 We got brunch and walked through the gallery. Took a walk up to South Kensington and went through the Victoria and Albert museum next.

And then that night we were off to Birmingham for the Tough Guy race! A dodgy hostel but incredible curry dinner complete with the best mango lassi I've ever had. Off early that morning for the race! 

All smiles before the race...

 and it took me a while to smile afterwards. Nevertheless, happy to have finished the grueling 4 hour race through ice water and endless pits of mud...won't bother with the details except to recommend watching this short video about the race last year. Did manage a smile when we got the medals though -

goodbye shoes...

 This is literally what the ground looked like everywhere - this wasn't even that got much deeper.

Here was the start...

and some shots from the race (at least I wasn't wearing that)

Hot footing it: A competitor makes his way through a fiery section of the course as part of the annual event

From hot to cold: As well as taking on burning fields, competitors have to make their way a freezing lake

Next task: Some of the racers take a quick breather as they contemplate making their way through the tyre tunnels

in a word...insane.

But we did it! 

We caught the train back to London that night after a clean-up at Caroline's house and curled up to watch some Netflix and deserved snacks in my room that night. I went to class the next day and we met for fish and chips at a pub before she went to the airport :-(



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