Friday, June 14, 2013

Vienna 1900

Last night I was invited to a lecture on portraiture in Vienna c. 1900 taking place at Christie's King Street. The talk was given by the curator of modern and impressionist paintings at the National Gallery. Great opportunity, so obviously I cleared my busy sched (which consisted of a plan to cook some quinoa and study all night...hah)

A few friends from Christie's Ed and I met up beforehand - upon entering, we were immediately handed flutes of champagne and foie gras...please and thank you

We took a walk around the galleries before it began...the modern and impressionist sale is coming up, so the walls were laden with Monet, Kandinsky, and Picasso.

The lecture began promptly at 7, so we all assembled into one of the rooms set up with a projector and screen. I had a nice view through the crowd of one of the larger Picasso's (though unfortunately you can't see it in this pic!)

and then we settled in and listened...only ~30 or so minutes but really interesting! 

 No shots of the group of us there - my phone ran out of battery - but the Christie's photographer snapped a few. Not sure where they will show up (or if they will?) but I'll be on the lookout. 
Another wonderfully posh night at the auction house! Oh how I do love these things.

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