Wednesday, February 13, 2013


Seeing as it is "reading week" and I am very behind on the reading, I thought I would just post my favorite pictures from Amsterdam. I went with another American friend from college last weekend and suffice it to say I could have stayed for ages - SUCH an amazing city and I loved absolutely everything about it. Amazing art, amazing food (stroopwaffles, cheese, mustard practically falling out of shops in the form of generously portioned free samples - yes please), and amazing scenery - the canals were simply beautiful.

Rijksmuseum was the first stop - 

lots of Rembrandt! 

...did I mention we stopped by his house too? 

Compare the following...a Protestant Church...

vs. a Catholic church. Pretty typical.

some really cool street art...(love my van gogh)

and real van gogh - 75 works on exhibition at the Hermitage Amsterdam. SO PUMPED to see this gem among them!

and then there was more doesn't get old.

and then it snowed!! 

so beautiful.

We hit up the maritime museum - ships/water/etc = a very important subject here in the Netherlands considering most of the city is below sea level and really, had they not interfered, the whole place should really be ocean...(thanks to those wonderful windmills, entrepreneurs in the 17th century could pump water out and tadaa! it became new land they could sell). The Netherlands was also extremely important in terms of trading with the 'Far East' in the 17th century (their 'golden age' of sorts). This ship is a reconstruction of a Dutch East India Company ship that actually crashed. Oh don't worry, we went inside the hull and checked out the captain's quarters - not bad! (could never stay on that thing for 8 months though, the average time it took to get to China on one of these bad boys)

and then there were more canals...

and the royal palace in the middle of the city

pretty sunsets


and that was about it - I would totally go back in a second! 

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