Monday, January 21, 2013

weekend recap

It was a busy weekend! 

Thursday night, a friend from Princeton visited and I joined him and a few other friends for drinks after dinner...we ended the night at this incredible club Jalouse near Oxford Circus - a friend of a friend had a table there (lucky us!) and the music was great. 

On Friday night, I went out to East London to bar hop for a friend's 24th birthday. Lots of really trendy/young/cool cocktail bars, clubs, and pubs. I'll definitely go back to the area! We passed this little piece of street art and I had to snap a pic - really love it. 

On Saturday, a friend studying at Oxford visited and we had a tourist-y day (which was a perfect excuse not to do work)...hit up Buckingham Palace and the National Gallery, lunch in China town/Leicester Square, walked down to Parliament, then walked all the way to the Tower of London and Tower Bridge (with a quick stop in the Tate Modern along the way for some tea and to warm up). The snow was literally unrelenting and didn't stop all day but it was super fun! Ended the day walking through Harrod's and then got dinner close to the train station so he could catch a bus back to Oxford. Here is London in the snow!

Here we are at London Tower

snow men :-)

and more snow falling until dusk. 

Now to take on the rest of the week! 

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