Sunday, January 13, 2013

Print show at the gallery

This weekend I helped put on a print show at the gallery. Before the show, we spent a few hours hanging (and straightening) pictures, dusting, cleaning, and adjusting lighting. During the show I spent my time pouring drinks and chatting about the work - there are worse things in life than sipping wine and talking about art! 

These were my favorite pieces - four prints by Joe Webb. 

The Saatchi Gallery is currently showing some of his work, which is a HUGE deal! The Saatchi is all about presenting work by largely unseen young, contemporary artists but it is unbelievably competitive now that it has become so prestigious and elite. Established in 1985 right off Sloane Square in the heart of Chelsea, the gallery is known for showing controversial, contemporary art. It is where Damien Hirst really got his start. 

This was my favorite out of all of the eyeglass. 

And here are the others we had at the show...

HERE is a link to an interview with the artist, Joe Webb. 

Probably my favorite part of these events is talking to really interesting people. One of the highlights of the evening was talking to this guy who is a clergyman for the royal police force. He looked at this painting and recognized the church in the background right away - apparently, his god-daughter's father is the Dean of this abbey. The guy texted his friend a picture of the work and the Dean responded saying he was having dinner with the bishop of that abbey right then! Funnily enough, the bishop apparently looked at  the picture and after hearing the price said it was "too cheap" (haha) but how cool is that! Love those connections. Apparently the artist had no idea about the abbey, just chose to photograph it for aesthetic purposes for the background.

Division Bell (Metal Heads) -

I'm really starting to love these events - hopefully more in the future! 

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