Saturday, May 25, 2013

Catching Up

Hello again! This has been one of the craziest months of my life - between traveling to and from the US twice in the same month (weddings! reunions! and more), working on and finishing a (LONG) curatorial report, a field trip to a country manor (bbq with a duke?!) drinks with friends, getting to must-see exhibitions, scouring libraries, and heading to paris for a week-long field trip, I have literally not stopped. Here are a few pics of what I've been up to lately...

a friend going to Oxford visits London...

 and a pretty sunset makes for a cool picture! 

bank holiday picnic with friends from school in Regent's Park 

and an early morning run in the same park

a quick trip home for my cousin's wonderful wedding

cowboy boots for the reception = best idea ever 

and a chance to see the blooming dogwood trees on pretty lake! how I love home. 

and then my 5-year for glad I came home for this. 


and now, back to regular posts!

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