Saturday, March 9, 2013

Bounce, Sketch, Pizza in Knightsbridge & Champagne Night

A catch up on some social life & fun places to go out/eat in Londontown...first up, Bounce is a ping pong bar! Last night one of my friends reserved a table for her birthday - a huge group of us played ping pong for 2 hours last night - so fun! The 90s music was booming and a huge crew of 20-somethings that just got off of work were swarming around the tables. You couldn't walk 10 meters before getting hit with a ping pong ball but that was part of the fun! 

Next up...Sketch for afternoon tea. This place had the craziest Alice-in-Wonderland interiors

^^This is where we had our wonderful tea and scones....

and this is another one of the dining rooms - definitely coming back here for dinner or drinks (or both!)

that wasn't even the best part though...these are the bathrooms. Yes, those are giant egg-shaped pods. Craziest bathroom I've ever been in...

NEXTTT my friend had her birthday at this amazing pizza place in Knightsbridge - live 90's music was blaring, sparklers came with all the rounds of drinks, and the pizza was incredible. Perfect birthday spot! 

Last but not least, my college had a "champagne night" last weekend - with a ticket, one got unlimited quantities of champagne - dangerous? Perhaps. Very fun though! Good times definitely had by all :) 

...and now of to write some papers before leaving for VENICE in T-6 DAYS!!!!! 

need to get to work. that's all for now :) 

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