Saturday, September 29, 2012

ESU (English Speaking Union) Visit

Today I stopped by the ESU Headquarters to say hello to the people and organization that has facilitated my scholarship...the donors for the scholarship are the Chiltons (more about them later) but the ESU organizes the award for one Christie's Education student and as a recipient, you automatically become part of the ESU network. 

Located in Mayfair, central London, the Dartmouth House (so the residence is called) is absolutely stunning. Gilded paneled walls surround each room - here are a few pictures

Mary, the woman I have been corresponding with via email for months now, was perfectly lovely and we chatted for a bit about how I am setting in before she gave me a quick tour of the building. Always wonderful to meet new people and become a member of a new network. She said I was always welcome to stop by anytime I would like but I would find that incredibly intimidating without having a reason so we will see what I can come up with  as far as excuses go to get back there - perhaps a visit from someone would be a good enough reason! 

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